The “Champion’s Creed”:

Champions get up one more times than they have been knocked down.
Champions give their all, no matter the score.
Champions do what is right, even when it hurts.
Champions know winning is not necessarily measured by the final score.
Champions take a stand for what is right, even when they stand alone.
Champions see every challenge as an opportunity.
Champions make those around them better.
Champions do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Champions dedicate themselves to prepare for success.
Champions put the success of others above individual achievement.
Champions understand winning is not the only thing.
Champions live by a higher personal standard.
Champions stand firm when others around them fall.
Champions live by what they speak and speak what they live.
Champions lay down their own desires for the benefit of others.
Champions willingly accept responsibility, and graciously deflect honor.
Champions never sacrifice what is best for something good.
Champions may fail…but they never quit.


900 Highland Avenue
Abington, PA 19001, US

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